
 Miracles in Recovery

Don’t quit before the recovery happens! People with an addiction, sometimes during recovery, allude to the “incredible coincidences” behind finding the program or facility that worked a magical abstinence and…

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Are You Higher Powered Today?

Spirituality in Addiction Recovery To recover from substance use disorder (SUD), one must heal their body, mind, and spirit. People who feel isolated and lack a sense of community and…

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Loneliness in Addiction Recovery

A guide to understanding and coping with loneliness Loneliness is part of being human. No one is exempt. There are times when loneliness will flood our lives, no matter how…

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The Promises of AA’s Big Book

Slowly, hopelessness gives way to hope Alcoholics Anonymous, also known as AA, was founded in 1935 by Bill W. and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio. The Big Book and…

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Why do I Need to Detox?

Whatever your drug of choice, your ability to reason is being compromised. Until you detox you won’t be able to take the next steps to recovery. Arrange a residential or…

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Are you getting angry?

Anger management is important in addiction recovery Anger is a natural, healthy emotion. It’s neither good nor bad. It is our way of expressing that we’re feeling upset or threatened….

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How Does a Gratitude List Help?

An attitude of gratitude can help in addiction recovery Recovering addicts and alcoholics are often advised by their sponsors or therapists to make a “gratitude list” as an antidote to…

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A Statement About This Week’s Riots

Addictions UK and Addictions North East support this statement agreed in The North East by VONNE: The recent violence and hate in parts of our region have deeply shocked us….

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How Bad Is Alcohol For Your Liver?

The third leading cause of premature death in the UK is liver disease Apart from the adverse psychological, social and financial damage caused by prolonged use of alcohol, physical problems…

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The Early Stages Of Alcoholism

Alcoholism differs from virtually every other disease process in that it begins with symptoms indicating an improvement in functioning. In the earlier stages of the disease, the symptoms make sense…

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Alcohol causes damage to the brain

Type or amount doesn’t matter, finds a study According to a new study, drinking alcohol at any level is not safe. Poor brain health is connected to increased consumption of…

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Are You in Control?

Loss of control in alcoholism  It is said, if you are trying to control your drinking, you have already lost control!  As the alcoholic progressively loses control over his drinking,…

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I Am Struggling

Is it an addiction or a mental illness? Co-occurring illnesses are prevalent because many mental health diseases and substance use disorders interact. The intersection of Mental Health and Substance Use…

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Serenity Prayer and Twelve-Step Recovery

Invoking a balance between change and  acceptance AA Serenity Prayer These simple words ring clear in the hearts and minds of Alcoholics Anonymous members all over the world: “May God…

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Typical Signs of Alcohol Withdrawal 

Long-term drinking may require support to reduce symptoms  Alcohol withdrawal: What Is It? The physical and psychological symptoms a person goes through after quitting heavy and prolonged alcohol use are…

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What are the Twelve Steps? 

How and why do they work for addiction recovery? The Twelve Steps, which Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) developed, serve as a spiritual foundation for personal recovery from the effects of alcoholism….

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Is alcoholism considered a mental illness?

Addiction is a brain disease, according to science  Addiction, like depression and other mental illnesses, is a very real medical disorder based on brain changes. Alcoholism is a complex disease…

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All About Alcohol Withdrawal

An essential first step toward sobriety Alcohol withdrawal includes the symptoms following a reduction or abrupt cessation in the amount of alcohol drunk by a person who has been drinking…

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12 Facts About Alcohol Consumption

All you should know about alcohol abuse Although a list of frightening facts about alcohol may seem like clickbait meant to discourage drinkers, the significance of the information is evident…

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Alcoholism is a Disease

Obsession and compulsion are the main symptoms One of the challenges in recognising alcoholism as a disease is that it does not appear to be one. It doesn’t look, sound,…

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