Tag: #AddictionsUK

Rebuilding Relationships in Recovery

Stopping drinking or using drugs isn’t going to fix everything Getting rid of addiction is a great accomplishment, but it doesn’t mean everything will fall into place immediately.  The damages…

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Are you getting angry?

Anger management is important in addiction recovery Anger is a natural, healthy emotion. It’s neither good nor bad. It is our way of expressing that we’re feeling upset or threatened….

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A Guide to Resentment-free Living

Addiction recovery is incomplete without a clean heart Resentment is acknowledged as being poisonous to our inner existence in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The Big Book states: “Resentment is the number…

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There are no coincidences in addiction recovery Addicts, sometimes during recovery, mention “incredible coincidences” behind finding the recovery program or facility that worked magical abstinence and subsequent fruitful way of…

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What is Alcohol?

Friend or foe? We know alcohol as spirit, as a party lubricant, as a beverage for relaxing, as scotch, bourbon, beer, wine, cognac—so many varieties. So many tales, legends and…

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Accepting Criticism

How it helps the alcoholic grow in recovery The inability to accept criticism ranks high on the typical characteristics of alcoholics and addicts. They will explode with anger and resentment…

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Staying Sober in the Festive Season

How to remain abstinent maintain during the holidays It’s the end of the year and the beginning of the holiday season – a time for celebration with friends and family! However, for persons in…

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The hallmark of addiction recovery If you look at a recovering person who for many years made a career out of drinking, overeating or caretaking, and noticed how relaxed and…

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A part of addiction recovery Addicts and alcoholics in early recovery experience the healing and freedom of forgiveness. During active addiction, alcoholics may have heard about forgiveness, and they thought…

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Rejection in Addiction

How to deal with it in recovery Rejection is not easy under any circumstances. For the alcoholic or addict who may be feeling rejected or dishing rejection, rejection is a…

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Tolerance to Alcohol

One of the first warning signs of alcoholism The word tolerance has many meanings. To most people, tolerance denotes a capacity to consume large amounts of alcohol without passing or…

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Why is honesty important in addiction recovery? Recovery from addiction starts with detox, a medically supervised process for getting the body rid of toxins. After that, recovery is a life-long…

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The path to a healthy, happy recovery from addiction Humility is a frequently talked about topic in Twelve Step meetings. Through understanding humility, recovering persons learn to live and cope…

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ADHD and Substance Abuse

Is there a link? A recent survey found that about 15 per cent of adults who have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) had abused alcohol or drugs in the past year….

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Identifying Alcoholism

How to look through the barriers of denial and arbitrary scales  Most often, rigid, arbitrary standards are not so helpful in defining alcoholism. Then what? Obliviously, a large number of…

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The Abnormal Metabolism

The factor that makes some people vulnerable to alcoholism Acetaldehyde, the intermediate byproduct of alcohol metabolism, appears to be one of the major villains in the onset of alcoholic drinking….

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What are some Common Myths about Addiction?

Just as alcoholism and drug addiction are commonplace, there are numerous myths and misunderstandings about addicts, addiction, and withdrawal. Let’s look at some of the false ideas about addicts and…

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13 Habits of Humble People

Humility is the key to sobriety and success Alcoholics and addicts become highly self-centred and selfish. Their behaviour appears grandiose and arrogant. Therapists point out that this arrogance arises from…

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What causes alcohol-related brain damage?

Dementia, other brain disorders and Alcohol There is adequate evidence to point out that excessive alcohol intake over a prolonged period causes several problems. These include a range of physical,…

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Fear is the key

Fear is a universal human emotion. When we feel threatened, we get into a ‘fight or flight’ mode. Fear is incredibly high in the lives of active alcoholics and addicts….

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