How our dreams become a reality in recovery
When you recover from alcoholism or drug addiction, coincidences happen, your health improves, broken relationships begin to mend, and financial insecurity fades. Fear and despair disappear, and you go from unemployability to employment. Things start to fall into place.
These are true miracles!
Those who feel the power of recovery miracle know anything good can and will happen because they have seen it and accepted the change. A gift builds both resistance to compulsions and vigilance against complacency.
Moreover, a miracle will teach that resistance and vigilance can be natural and comfortable if permitted to do so.
The lessons of miracles go beyond the “anything-can-happen” attitude into one that, without the taint of ego, tells the recovering addict that what should happen will happen. All recovering people know specific significant changes have occurred because they are meant to have come true. All this is possible if the elements that produce miracles – love, gratitude, humility, honesty, faith, belief, and trust – are used to prepare addicts for hearing at the proper time.

The impossible becomes possible
The belief in miracles, which made possible the sudden inspiring ability to cope with maintaining a newly discovered recovery, must not be neglected or taken for granted. Goals, once considered impossibilities by the sick mind of the addict, have materialized – and have been seen and felt. We must never forget that reality or lose the willingness to believe such miracles can occur.
Vigilance and belief are the blessings of miracles
With the reality of miraculous personal experiences must come vigilant awareness of reality. Our character shortcomings never fade away completely. To think so would be an invitation to complacency and carelessness – and the approach of a slip.
The willingness to continue believing is a prime blessing of any miracle. Without an open mind and complete acceptance that a miracle is not fantasy but fact, our recovery would be much more difficult.

Sharing the miracles of recovery
If there is a common denominator among those in recovery, it is that we each, in some way, benefit from a personal miracle. This is what makes easy the sharing of problems and solutions.
Denial makes us need to be shaken up and immersed violently into reality to get the idea of recovery – and miracles do this exceptionally well.
After experiencing such rude awakenings, we have little trouble believing in the nearness of a Higher Power.
Our Higher Power may appear as a therapist, fellowship or sponsor. All we need is to reach out for support!
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