We have just completed our first day of our Learning Journey to India, as guests of the Hope Trust India. After travelling and settling into our accommodation yesterday and having had a good night’s sleep we were up early to attend a remote session on meditation. This will be a daily occurrence for four days and is proving to be extremely beneficial to us all.
The type of meditation we are learning is called “Heartfullness” It allows us to channel the feelings from all parts of our body to the heart. The physical effects of relief are very noticeable – even after our first session. The experience reminds us of an anecdote, as to how a mother of three boys, all of whom died from Drug overdoses, used this method to transfer the memory of her sons from her over-active brain to the peace of her own heart.
After this illuminating training session we drove across the city, to have breakfast. Part of the joy of our group experience is that we are able to engage on healthy and deep conversations with each other. This ability of positive growth opportunities will be an important ingredient of our Spiritual learning experience here in India.
After a hearty breakfast we drove for over an hour to the Old City of Charminar – now part of the Hyderabad. Here we walked around a huge market, full of hundreds of market stalls, selling everything from materials, pearls, Indian products, food – including live chickens destined for the dinner table. Our “step-count” was now high showing 20,000 steps on our smart phones and devices. The trip to Charminar Markets, and viewing the magnificent architecture was mind blowing. The sheer numbers of people gathered together was overwhelming. The experience of mothers and babies approaching us for money along with older people with dreadful disabilities was upsetting.
Later that afternoon we returned to our base in Banjara Hills, Hyderabad where we went to a uni-sex hairdressing salon for a head massage. The services offered include other massage services, everything to do with “feet” as well as traditional hairstyling. This elevated level of pampering was most welcome – all costing much less than we could have obtained in the United Kingdom. Lastly, we visited the GVK Shopping Mall’s Food Court for Ice Cream, Milkshakes and a hot food followed by some retail therapy.
Our last meeting of the day was held across the city in a community room booked by AA. This was a new experience for us because in India most AA participants are male. Women are deemed not to be alcoholics because “they have children” – a bizarre concept held by local inhabitants. AA is a world-wide network sharing a common format. We shared our strength, hopes and experiences with our Indian Fellowship members.
Our busy “Day One” ended late, as we went back to our apartments for a communal meal served and delivered by a local restaurant. Our accommodation is wonderfully comfortable, and we went to bed feeling grateful. Safe and secure.
We are being guided by our good friends and colleagues at “The Hope Trust India,” a leading provider of addictions and mental health agency managed by Rahul and Rajeshwari Luther. Addictions UK have been working closely with this prestigious organisation for twenty years. Our new partnership involving Addictions North East is an exciting and we are grateful that in 2024/5 we have sponsored twelve member of staff and trustees to visit Hyderabad and share with our partners in India. Thank you so much Rahul and Rajeshwari.
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