Alcoholics Anonymous was founded by Christians with a strong faith in God. The Twelve Steps to recovery which they defined assumed that a similar spirituality would underpin the progress of…
Avoiding Anger while in Recovery
Frustrated by another lapse? Irritable due to withdrawal? Both can lead to bouts of anger and hurting those you love.
The Addiction Disease
Addiction is an incurable but manageable disease The Twelve Steps – Step 1: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol [or any other addiction] – that our lives had become…
Time for Recovery
This week’s video To minimise the risk of relapse your recovery must be an ongoing process. If you can spare approximately one hour per day we’ll show you how.
I thought I couldn’t. I finally tried. I discovered I can.
This week’s slogan Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
The Part Pets Play in Recovery at Home
Home-based treatment gives us support from our pets. We love our dogs and cats. A significant number of people needing to deal with Drug, Alcohol and other Addictions say they…
The Need for Detox
This week’s video Whatever your drug of choice, your ability to reason is being compromised.
People who rock the boat may find it hard to stay safe in it
This week’s slogan Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Plant yourself in good soil and keep an eye on how you are growing – don’t keep digging up your roots. Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every…
Continuing Care for Recovering Addicts
This week’s video Addiction recovery is a way of life. Coping with new challenges is easier when you have someone to talk to.
Whether things look good or bad depends on what you choose to look at
This week’s slogan Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Never the Same
Addiction changes people for ever but recovery brings a new start “I want my son back.” It’s the understandable yearning of a broken-hearted mother who has seen her child slip…
Don't Be In Denial
This week’s video Denial is not just denying you have a problem. Denial is also believing you can find your own way to sobriety.
Other people can help you climb, but don’t use them as steps
This week’s slogan Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Here and Now
Thought: ‘Only the present has any reality.’ Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one of them. Follow us at @addictionsuk. It’s…
Computer Addiction is Real
This week’s video Computer addiction symptoms are similar to other established behaviour addictions. If you’re concerned try going 48 hours without it.
Life is always a spiral, never a circle. Are you following it up or down?
This week’s slogan Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Proportionate Actions
Thought: ‘Before reaching for a battering ram, check if the door is locked.’ Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one of…
Recovery Will Take Time
This week’s video Addictive behaviour is developed over years sometimes decades. Changing habits and ways of thinking doesn’t happen overnight.
I am stronger when I understand my weakness
This week’s slogan Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Kindness and Encouragement
Thought: ‘More is achieved by a soft smile than a hard word.’ Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one of them….
Shut up and listen!
This week’s slogan Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Do It Now!
Thought: ‘You ask me what’s wrong with procrastination? I’ll tell you tomorrow.’ Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one of them….
When the road ahead offers two paths you could choose to make a new one.
This week’s slogan Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Small Steps Add Up
Thought: ‘Recovery, like any growth, is imperceptible but looks dramatic in retrospect.’ Addictions UK shares inspirational Thoughts each day on Twitter. This article is based on one of them. “My,…