Tag: alchoholism

5 Ways To Get An Alcoholic Into Treatment

Family and friends need to act before it’s too late Without help, most alcoholics cannot permanently quit drinking. A combination of factors works to imprison the alcoholic with their addiction….

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Alcoholics Anonymous

What it is and what it is not Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a vast organisation with representatives and groups in virtually every community in the country and throughout the world….

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The Early Stages Of Alcoholism

Alcoholism differs from virtually every other disease process in that it begins with symptoms indicating an improvement in functioning. In the earlier stages of the disease, the symptoms make sense…

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Alcohol and Your Central Nervous System

Apart from other areas, alcoholism negatively impacts the CNS Alcohol is toxic and overdrinking damages all parts of the alcoholic’s life. Their brain, liver, gastrointestinal system and heart are affected…

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Alcoholism and Suicide

The risk factors increase dramatically for alcoholics Suicide is often described as “a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” For chronic alcoholics, whose brain cells cry out day and night…

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Alcohol- A Matter Of The Heart

An emotional, social and physical connection between alcohol and your heart Drinking alcohol is associated with aggressive behaviour, accidents and several health problems. Yet many people choose to drink socially…

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How Bad Is Alcohol For Your Liver?

The third leading cause of premature death in the UK is liver disease Apart from the adverse psychological, social and financial damage caused by prolonged use of alcohol, physical problems…

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Alcohol And Loss Of Control

Can alcoholics achieve “controlled drinking”? “One drink from a drunk,” the AA saying goes. The adage is not meant to be taken literally, for alcoholics can and often exercise amazing…

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