BACP Accreditation

Our Head of Casework gains accreditation from the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy

Addictions Treatment staff members at Addictions UK Home-based Addictions Treatment are all qualified counsellors having gained recognised qualifications. Our staff members have a great mixture of academic learning and practical experience of drug and alcohol problems. We only employ staff members who have practical experience of suffering from the illness of alcoholism or drug addiction (or both)… they must be at least five years clean and sober too!

So, Congratulations to Simon, our Head of Casework, who has just been recognised by the BACP as an accredited Counsellor. He is now actively working on his next qualification!

The reason why we require staff to train as counsellors/coaches AND have experience of addiction is that they can identify and share experiences with our clients. People who were “once the problem ” … “can now be the solution” – hence the reason why Addictions UK is a full member of Social Firms UK. It is often said by our clients that it is hard to “kid a kidder!”

Addictions UK offers confidential, effective and affordable Addictions Treatment to clients including Medical Detox services. Please contact us on line or telephone 0800 140 4044 for further information.

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