man and woman sitting on chairs, talking in counselling

Duty of Care in the Workplace

Helping employees with addictions

Issues that relate to alcohol cost employers with 200 staff around £38,000 through absence and performance issues according to psychiatrist Dr Adam Winstock referring to figures from the Global Drugs Survey.

Employers are facing bigger bills especially in Employment Tribunals if they have a lack of clarity or unclear and contradictory policies.

Speaking at the Synergy health Drugs at Work Conference in Surrey a specialist lawyer, Rhian Brace said that Judges take this issue very seriously when considering unfair dismissal claims.

Simon Stephens, Director of Case Work at Addictions UK agreed and confirmed that this is a major problem for a significant number of his clients. He said “we welcome clear policies on drug and alcohol issues in the work place – happily many responsible employers have co-operated with us to treat their employees – others have often had non-existent policies which lead to major problems for all parties”.

Addictions UK offers a range of services to help employers to deal with these challenges.

Dr Adam Winstock said “Employers have a duty of care for their staff and for the wider community. We find a lot of employers want strong drug and alcohol policies not just to reduce costs and workplace accidents but out of a sense of responsibility for their staff”.

Addictions UK receives referrals from HR Departments and Lawyers from all parts of the United Kingdom relating to home-based treatment for alcohol and drug addictions.

For further information contact us now online or telephone 0300 330 30 40.

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