Get help!

Anyone suffering from depression, whether or not related to addiction, should get help.

The sad news this week of the death of Robin Williams has shocked and saddened almost everyone. It seems clear that addiction and depression dominated much of his life and, compounded by financial worries, brought about its end.
The obituary on the BBC News website gives a full account of his generosity of spirit, both in his work and among friends. The BBC also lists a few of the many tributes that have been offered.
One related contribution not mentioned there is well worth reading. Jason Manford’s post on Facebook has been widely quoted in the national press and elsewhere and shared and tweeted.
Quite simply, he pleads with those affected by depression not to “suffer in silence”.
Let’s keep this blog article quite short to give you some time to read that too and to consider whether you should be seeking help for yourself or encouraging a friend or family member to do the same.
Sometimes depression is closely related to an addiction and, if you are reading this Addictions UK blog, the likelihood that there is a link is even greater. So if you or someone you know needs help to deal with addiction before its consequences become intolerable please contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40.

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