
Onward and Upward

Even when the goal is not clear , it is still there To anyone who has done any hillwalking, it is a familiar story. You park the car at a…

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Be Prepared for Difficulty

Being ready for disaster may mean we can avoid it Life does not run smoothly, as most people reading this blog will be all too aware, especially those who have faced…

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You’re amazing!

This week’s slogan Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery

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Everyone Makes Mistakes

What matters is whether we try to put thing right Being wrong is easy – the hard part is admitting it. Much of the emphasis of the Twelve Steps is…

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One Step at a Time

Taking on too much at once is a recipe for failure The road to hell is paved with good intentions. It has a fast lane on which you can get…

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Share Your Problems

“A problem shared is a problem halved” It’s an old saying and a true one, provided you choose the right confidant. Knowing that someone else knows and understands brings a…

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Finding Hope

One small ray of hope can lead to the light Depression is a horrible affliction, whether it is brought on by particular events or is a chronic condition. Although, in…

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As Others See Us

Self examination cannot be completed alone. Several of the Twelve Steps, one way or another, require self-examination. However good our intentions, it is a task that is almost impossible to…

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Recovery Group in Nepal

An appeal for help after the earthquake. Addictions UK has received a letter from a group of Recovering Addicts in Nepal. Please contact us if you would like any help…

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Opportunities for Growth

Like a garden, life is always changing. There is always growth. Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one of them. Follow…

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Share your steps

Helping one another Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one of them. Follow us at @addictionsuk. There’s a division of opinion…

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