

Thought: ‘Understand the difference between an old scar that has been forgotten and festering wound that must be healed.’ This article is inspired by an Addictions UK “Thought for the…

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Higher Power

Thought: Take a moment today to redefine “Higher Power” Alcoholics Anonymous was founded by Christians with a strong faith in God. The Twelve Steps to recovery which they defined assumed…

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Addiction is a disease

Addiction is an incurable disease but not, in itself, a fatal one. The Twelve Steps – Step 1: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol [or any other addiction] –…

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Live in the Moment

– is this week’s slogan Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0800 140 4044. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery

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Fewer Deaths from Liver Damage

A simple Test costing £50 could help prevent alcohol-related deaths. A simple ‘traffic light’ test that detects hidden liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in high-risk populations could reduce harmful drinking rates…

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Call to Restrict GHB Use

Drugs advisory body recommends stricter regulation in the UK Writing in a letter to Jeremy Browne, Minister of State for Crime Prevention on 3rd October 2013, Professor Les Iverson chair…

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Analysis can lead to paralysis

– is this week’s Slogan It’s one thing to be careful and look at all the angles, But there comes a time to stop putting things off and to get…

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One Hour at a Time

– is this week’s Slogan We understand the need for small steps, for making our lives manageable one Day at a Time. Sometimes the steps need to be smaller still…

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Anger is one letter away from Danger

– is this week’s Slogan Anger in Addiction is a Major Cause of Relapse Read the recent article in the Addictions UK blog about anger management Contact us now on…

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Don’t Even Notice I Am Lying

Denial is powerful in blocking Recovery Denial is an emotion or a state of mind that prevents us from looking at ourselves. It can be uncomfortable, painful and difficult to…

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Addicts of the Future

10-11 year-olds admit to alcohol use – are some of these youngster addicts of the future? According to a survey by the Schools Health Education Unit more than one in…

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Anger in Addiction – A Major Cause of Relapse Anger is a natural emotion. In addiction people can end up in a negative cycle – drinking or using substances because…

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Legal Highs and Prescription Drugs

The threat from a growing market for global organised crime. International criminal gangs are rapidly expanding into the market for new types of legal highs, while law enforcement agencies lack…

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International Symposium Networking Opportunities – 10th UKESAD in London a Great Success The 10th United Kingdom and European Symposium Addiction Disorders held at the Tower Hotel London attracted well over…

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Rise in production of Opium

Is Heroin use likely to increase in UK? A UN report released this month has stated that Puli Hisar, a district in Northern Afghanistan has seen a rise in production…

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Scottish Alcohol Plans

Changes in the law are proposed after criticisms of government plans. The Scottish Government has received criticism from the body that represents the legal profession over proposals that would give…

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South Asian Drug and Alcohol Addictions

De-Addiction Services in the UK for the family Addictions UK – the leading provider of Addictions Treatment Services in the United Kingdom – now offers De-Addiction Services throughout the United…

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No Cheap Booze

Crackdown on cheap, super strength booze cuts drinking crime by half in pilot programme Banning sales of super strength lager and cider has led to a 50% reduction in reports…

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