However, addiction treatment is available at home
Rehab centres are a vital part of our social service.
Addiction treatment is critical for those afflicted by addiction, as their illness has a devastatingly adverse impact on them, their family, friends and the wider community.
It saves lives and contributes to the general wellbeing of the social fabric.

Rehabs have taught countless addicts and addicts how to change their behaviour patterns completely. From impulsivity to a more balanced and measured way of life.
Rehab centres have helped them redesign their lives. They learnt to act with humility, tolerance, acceptance and compassion.
They have learnt to identify their shortcomings and manage their cravings. In short, they have reclaimed their lives from the depths of a seemingly hopeless condition.
It’s not just the individuals, but their family members found new joy and freedom.
The lifelines are diminishing
Sadly, rehab centres across the UK are closing in large numbers during the pandemic.

In the last seven years, the number of rehab centres has almost halved, as indicated by the UK Addiction Treatment Group.
This year 20% of rehabs have closed, at least temporarily, leaving just 94 open across the country.
Almost a third of publicly funded drugs rehab centres have closed in the last five years, reports Sky News.
Addiction treatment is still available
While state-funded residential facilities may be closing, affordable addiction treatment continues to be available across the country.
Established in 2002, Addictions UK offers safe, convenient addiction treatment in the comfort of the client’s home.
Moreover, it provides other support services for the recovering community.
Salient features of the services:
Medically Supervised Home Detox Programmes:
The treatment typically delivered in hospitals is provided in the supportive, private and comfortable environment at home.
The Home Detox service is prompt, safe, convenient and affordable.
Ongoing Care and Wellbeing:
Detox is not a cure! Addiction is highly relapse-prone, and ongoing support is critical in maintaining sobriety.
Addictions UK has a highly qualified team who use a healthy mix of therapies that are customised to help the person stay sober.
The packages include daily home-based recovery therapy and weekly relapse prevention and extended care, supported by 24/7 helpline service.
Recovery Housing:
Addictions UK offers safe and comfortable housing for those in the early stages of recovery from addictions.
Clients are supported by a comprehensive range of services including support for families and friends of addicts and assisting employers.
Training Programmes:
Addictions UK offers in-person and online training programmes for students and professionals in the field of mental health and substance use.
An international team has developed the courses.
They cover a wide range of topics from addiction and related subjects, such as special needs, co-dependency, ethics, counselling techniques, bio-diversity issues, dual diagnosis, 12 Steps, to name a few.
In the distressing scenario of rehab centres shutting their services, Addictions UK continues to serve the community with its typical commitment to quality care, ethical practice and professional support for the all-round wellbeing of persons affected by addictions.
Reach us today via Freephone 0800 1404044