Self-motivated Learning

Studying boosts self-confidence and well-being, and expands social networks.

Non-vocational adult education drawing on a person’s own motivation comes with a variety of benefits that are also reflected on the person’s close friends, family and work. Studying boosts self-confidence and well-being, and expands social networks. Furthermore, motivation to pursue other studies also increases. Thanks to participation in adult education, tolerance towards and confidence in other people grows, and adult learners pay increasing attention to their health.

This is the main summary of work being carried out in Finland and it is gratifying that these conclusions support the view that people seeking recovery can gain additional benefits from education and training courses. The experience of Addictions UK and its sister project Addictions North East also shows that highly motivated clients – either in a one-to-one setting or group work environment can get great benefit through participating in education and training courses. Participation in adult education, tolerance towards and confidence in other people grows, and adult learners pay increasing attention to their health.

All of the above are findings from the Benefits of Lifelong Learning Project carried out in ten European countries. The study focused on liberal adult education, i.e. non-vocational courses, which are characterised by willingness to volunteer, self-motivation, and goals related to hobbies. The study investigated the changes experienced by adult learners participating in liberal adult education courses during a course of one year.

Simon Stephens, Director of Case Work of Addictions UK has been engaged in education and training for several years as a mature student. He has been studying Psychology and Counselling at Higher Education levels and he relates to these benefits.

He said “As a person in recovery, I am aware that my life studying and pursuing advanced professional qualifications assists me in a variety of ways” The quality of my life certainly boosts my well-being and levels of confidence.” Simon added “The courses that Addictions UK promotes for people in recovery have much the same results as this major European Academic Study.”

Addictions UK organises Recovery Training and Education both on a one-to-one basis and in Group work settings alongside the North East Charity Addictions North East, based in County Durham.

For further information contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40.

University of Eastern Finland. “Self-motivated participation in learning activities increases well-being of adults.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 17 June 2014.

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