Stopping drinking or using drugs isn’t going to fix everything Getting rid of addiction is a great accomplishment, but it doesn’t mean everything will fall into place immediately. The damages…
Tag: addiction
How Bad Is Alcohol For Your Liver?
The third leading cause of premature death in the UK is liver disease Apart from the adverse psychological, social and financial damage caused by prolonged use of alcohol, physical problems…
The Early Stages Of Alcoholism
Alcoholism differs from virtually every other disease process in that it begins with symptoms indicating an improvement in functioning. In the earlier stages of the disease, the symptoms make sense…
Alcohol causes damage to the brain
Type or amount doesn’t matter, finds a study According to a new study, drinking alcohol at any level is not safe. Poor brain health is connected to increased consumption of…
Are You in Control?
Loss of control in alcoholism It is said, if you are trying to control your drinking, you have already lost control! As the alcoholic progressively loses control over his drinking,…
Being Grateful
How gratitude helps in early recovery and beyond Without gratitude, life is merely a never-ending toil with no discernible purpose. According to research, expressing thankfulness is crucial to being happy….
People who have one addiction are more susceptible to cross addiction
What Does Cross Addiction Mean? Cross addiction, also known as addiction transfer or Addiction Interaction Disorder, is when a person has two or more addictive behaviors. The addictions can include…
A Guide to Resentment-free Living
Addiction recovery is incomplete without a clean heart Resentment is acknowledged as being poisonous to our inner existence in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The Big Book states: “Resentment is the number…
“Canada to legalise euthanasia for DRUG ADDICTS with no other illness in March.
Canada’s medically assisted dying (MAID) law is due to expand in March 2024 It will include mental health patients, including those suffering from substance abuse Canada is due to legalise…
7 Frequently Asked Questions About Twelve-Step Programmes
How and why it works, and who benefits Acknowledging helplessness. Accepting your faults with humility. Recognising the specifics of your wrongdoings. Removing your character flaws. Making direct amends. Assessing one’s…
Leap of Faith in Addiction Recovery
Importance of faith in recovery A “leap of faith” is an idiomatic expression that refers to a decision or action taken with little or no evidence or assurance of a…
“How Does Someone Else’s Alcohol or Drug Use Hurt Me?”
Our experience tells us that recovery starts with you! Nearly every family member or close friend of someone battling an addiction asks us this question. Substance use disorder (SUD), also…
As the Climate Get Warmer, keep the alcohol away
Alcohol is not a thirst quencher! As our weather turns warmer, it would be wise to leave the alcohol on the liquor store shelves and drink lots of water. During…
Making Amends in Addiction Recovery?
Your questions answered about the reconciliation process One sign that you are addicted to drugs or alcohol is that you act in ways that go against your morals and standards….
4 Powerful Daily Habits To Improve Your Health
Staying fit in early recovery prevents relapse When we get clean and sober, we are in recovery not just mentally but physically too. A healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset…
How Does Alcohol Affect You?
The damages and recovery from alcoholism What are the psychological effects of alcoholism? Alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), can have a range of psychological effects on individuals…
What Does Unmanageability Mean?
And getting help for it In Step 1 of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, the idea of “unmanageability” is introduced in only five words. This is a big deal….
10 Common Myths About Addiction
Do these look familiar to you? Do you believe you understand addiction? Then you may recognise the following prevalent misconceptions: Myth No. 1: Drug addiction is a choice. You begin…
Common Myths About Addiction (Part 2)
Know the facts before you help someone Addiction is a Problem of Self-control While this is partially correct, it is not entirely right. Yes, a person with a drug or…
Common Myths About Addiction (Part 1)
To help, we must first understand Drug and alcohol addiction is an illness that is frequently misunderstood. Some of the myths are small, while others can be rather dangerous. Like…
What Are the Root Causes of Addiction?
And what’s the way out? A chronic illness, alcoholism, affects a person’s brain and neurological system. It is an incurable, life-threatening condition. Alcoholism has many causes and risk factors, but…
Steps 1-3 for Beginners
A newcomer’s guide to the first three steps of AA The first three steps are easier to understand when their language is as friendly and solution-focused as possible. An old-timer…
What is an Eating Disorder?
And how can you spot it? Food is a necessary component of life, and eating is a straightforward activity. However, it can be a complicated activity for some people, leading…
What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Drinking?
Just reducing alcohol intake increases several benefits You May Avoid Accidents At least half of all fatal injuries from serious trauma, including burns, drownings, and killings, are caused by alcohol….
Understanding Alcoholism
What are the treatment options for alcohol use disorders? For many people, consuming alcohol is simply a pleasant way to unwind. People with alcohol use problems, on the other hand,…