What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Drinking?

Just reducing alcohol intake increases several benefits

You May Avoid Accidents

At least half of all fatal injuries from serious trauma, including burns, drownings, and killings, are caused by alcohol. Additionally, it’s a factor in four out of every ten fatal road accidents, falls, and suicides. Going fully dry is not necessary to increase safety. Accidents and sick days can be reduced by almost a third if you reduce your drinking.

Your Heart’s Health Improves

Regularly drinking red wine or other alcoholic beverages may seem to be beneficial for your heart. However, that might not be true or only apply to mild drinkers (less than one drink a day). If you use more than that, reducing your usage or stopping altogether may lower your blood pressure, triglyceride levels, and risk of heart failure.

image by Robina Weermeijer from unsplash

Your Liver Could Recover

Your liver’s functions filter toxins. Alcohol also poisons your cells. Heavy drinking, defined as eight or more drinks for women and at least 15 for men per week, can damage the liver and cause cirrhosis, fatty liver, and other issues. The good news is that your liver may renew and even heal itself. So it’s always worthwhile to cut back or stop drinking.

You Might Lose Weight

A serving of wine has about 120 calories, whereas a glass of ordinary beer has about 150. Alcohol also increases your hunger, adding calories. You become less able to resist the fries and other temptations on the menu and become more impulsive. When you quit or reduce your alcohol intake, the number on your scale may start to decrease. 

Your Relationships Might Improve 

Social drinking in moderation can improve your mood and strengthen relationships with others. However, drinking alone or in large quantities daily runs the risk of becoming a risky habit. Alcohol use disorder is a condition that can develop if you can’t regulate your consumption. You might be able to concentrate on your relationships, job, and health if you stop drinking. Additionally, it might lower your anxiety and despair while boosting your self-esteem.

Decreased Cancer Risk

Research and evidence show that alcohol, and heavy drinking in particular, might increase your risk of developing some cancers, including those of the mouth, throat, breast, and oesophagus (the food pipe). It’s less certain whether giving up alcohol reduces cancer risk and, if so, how long it might take. However, some research indicates potential advantages. 

Your sexual life might get better

Alcohol may make couples more flirtatious. However, anything more than one or two drinks per day has the opposite impact, particularly if you misuse or abuse alcohol. Alcohol causes several physical dysfunctions that impair sexual intimacy. Reduce your alcohol consumption and see if your romance improves.

You’ll Get More Rest

Alcohol may first make you feel sleepy. However, if you nod off, it may wake you up several times throughout the night. Additionally, it disturbs the crucial REM stage of sleep and could affect your breathing. You might also need to stand up more frequently to use the restroom. For a more comfortable sleep, try avoiding alcohol, especially in the late afternoon and evening.

You’ll Get Sick Less Often 

The ability of your body to fight off germs for up to 24 hours may be weakened by even one episode of binge drinking. Large doses of alcohol gradually undermine your body’s ability to heal itself and your immune system. Reduce your alcohol use to help fend off ailments.

Reduce Blood Pressure

If your readings are too high, you might be able to lower your blood pressure if you stop drinking alcohol. Even just cutting less on drinking can have a significant benefit. Discuss your numbers with your doctor. Blood pressure should be less than 120/80. Your blood pressure is high if it is greater than 130/80.

You’ll Think More Clearly 

Alcoholism can impair one’s ability to think clearly or recall details. Heavy drinking over time can slow down and weaken your motor abilities and distort your sense of distance and volume. Even reading the emotions of other people may become more difficult for you as a result. However, your brain can restore some of these skills if you stop.

image by Valentin Salja from unsplash


If you are a heavy drinker, your body might at first revolt if you completely stop drinking. Cold sweats, a racing heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, trembling hands, and severe anxiety are all possible side effects. Some individuals even experience convulsions or experience hallucinations. To help you get through it safely, a medically supervised detox is safer. Now expert home detox services are also available. 

If you or a loved one is having issues with alcohol, call Freephone 0800 140 4044

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