Addictions UK Frequently Asked Questions

Addictions UK has revised the long list of Frequently Asked Questions on our website. We also publish them here for general information.

What is Addictions UK?
Addictions UK Ltd. are a Social Enterprise Company and is controlled and managed by recovering addicts with good clean time who wish to make a difference to their community.

We consider that people with addictions are a socially excluded group and need special help and assistance with a variety of issues. That is the reason why we established the programme. We do not seek to retain any profits from this social enterprise – getting people well is our reason for existing.

We are a leading provider of Home-based Addictions Treatment in the UK.

How long have we been established?
Addictions UK have been established since 2003 – though we became incorporated as a social enterprise in 2005.

Who is the treatment aimed at?
Anyone really! But especially at those people who need help with a problem of addictions to drugs and alcohol and wish to remain living at home whilst continuing with employment and family life.

In particular, we can help people who live in rural areas or isolated urban environments, people who work in sensitive professional occupations such as people employed by the police or armed services, medics, lawyers, politicians and other people in the public eye.

We also work with people from black and ethnic minority communities, single parents and the elderly. This programme is ideally suited to addicts who are housebound.

Do you offer a Detox Service?
Yes. We can arrange a Detox anywhere in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Detox is an important service in Home-based Addictions Treatment and we are a leading provider of Home Detox Services in the United Kingdom.

Please see our Treatment prices for this service – Home Detox is less expensive than residential rehab.

Can anyone receive help this way?
Yes. We have refined a home treatment service that can be delivered to clients living within their own environment. Our recovery programme is client focused and is designed to meet the needs of the individual according to his or her circumstances.

Many people do not need expensive residential treatment – Facing up to addiction problems in the home can be more constructive.

Do you work with people abroad – and not resident in the United Kingdom?
Yes! We have worked with clients domiciled in other countries. Please contact us via our online form or telephone us on 0800 140 4044 for details. Costs are broadly similar for our home based addiction treatment services.

What can be achieved from this programme?
This is entirely up to you – Addictions UK will give you the tools to creating a new way of living that releases your full potential. The rest depends upon you. We find that clients who really want to change get really good results from the recovery programme.

Who is eligible to join this programme?
Anyone who has reached a decision that they wish to stop using alcohol and drugs. Once you have made the decision we will try and help you. You can self refer. You do not need to inform your own doctor.

What is my commitment?

You must ensure that you have time to participate in this treatment programme and that it will remain your number one priority. The length of time required to work with Addictions UK will vary according to your personal needs and circumstances.

Our staff will contact you every day by arrangement and are available for 24 hour support. We will be using a work book and you will be required to consider additional study by DVD and reading key books.

We expect the client to be available to work this programme at least 4 hours per week with additional “home-work” which may take another 2 hours. Clients must want to commit themselves to this level of work.

What must I provide to be accepted onto the treatment programme?
You will need a settled address. You must have a landline or mobile phone; ideally you should have both. You must sign a Service Level Agreement and pay a forward payment of four weeks in advance.

Does it matter where I live?
No. This programme can be delivered to anywhere – literally. Some of our clients undergo our treatment programmes whilst living abroad.

How long does the treatment programme last?
Please discuss your needs with us as we have the ability to customise our work with clients to meet their needs. We have several treatment programmes that can be adapted according to the needs of individual client. Please telephone us for further information and a free assessment.

Is your service 24/7?
Yes! We have two separate telephone coaching and Help lines for our clients and their carers – staffed independently. For further information contact us by e-mail, telephone or online form.

How is this service funded?
Most of our clients are self funding though anyone is entitled to apply for help from their Local Authority / NHS Purchaser. HR Departments sometime assist clients with payments to us. Our Treatment Prices can be found on our Home Detox UK web page or telephone us on 0800 140 4044.

Can I fund the treatment programme myself?
Yes. The net costs for this programme are far cheaper than residential rehabilitation schemes. We have a range of payment options to meet all needs. See our Treatment Prices on our web pages or telephone us on 0800 140 4044

How do I make payments if I am self funding this treatment programme?
You can pay by nearly every option available! Self funding clients can pay via standing order, credit card, cheque payments can be received over the phone or on our Web Pages. Our Finance office will be pleased to help offer a suitable method for you.

How much do you charge?
See our prices on our website or telephone 0800 140 4044.

Will my conversations be confidential?
Yes – Confidentiality is the founding principal of Addictions UK. Please ask to see our confidentiality policy, which covers all issues concerning this matter. There are issues to do with child protection and personal safety that need to be discussed with clients to protect them and the staff member concerned with the case. Your Doctor and employer need not know of your treatment.

Can all this work be carried out without any face to face work?
Yes – All work is conducted over the telephone and / or Internet with web cam if required. If there are exceptional reasons we will discuss arranging a face to face meeting with one of our team members. In some case we can arrange customised face-to-face meetings but these are charged for in a different way.

Are all the treatment staff members at Addictions UK recovering addicts?
Yes all staff members are recovering addicts or alcoholics with good levels of sobriety and clean time. Some have experience of other addictions such as gambling, and other behavioural difficulties.

Our staff members have a variety of training in different therapies and recovery programmes including 12-Steps coaching and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Motivational Interviewing and Person Centred Counselling. All treatment staff members also possess qualifications in counselling.

Do you offer any Residential Rehab Services?
Yes – but only in conjunction with our own Home based Treatment Services. An example when we would assist with residential services would be used is when the client is not suitable for Home-based services at the commencement of their treatment.

A period of residential treatment can help stabilise the person. Home based Services would then continue after the client has returned home from the residential rehab centre. We use Rehabs throughout the UK and Abroad.

Costs would depend on the published prices of the residential rehab provider as their charges vary very considerably.

Do you have a contract or Service Level Agreement?
We have a simple contract that does not “lock you in” and is written in simple and easily understood English. Please ask for a copy or you can download our Service Level Agreement.

Do you offer relapse prevention?
Yes – this can be offered on a regular basis. Please telephone for further details or see our website?

Do you offer support to people who have found recovery in residential establishments?
Yes we do – But it depends on the programme that was offered in the other facility. We want to help you so please do telephone for us about this question if you are interested in our ongoing help or in our Relapse Prevention Schemes.

Do you work with Addictions other than Alcohol and Drugs?
Yes. We work with people with a range of diverse addictions – too long to mention every one here. If you need help please telephone us or contact us through our website. Examples of other addictions include pornography addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction, shopping addiction, shoplifting addiction and other “process” addictions. If your life has become of unmanageable.

Do you have an assessment process for this programme?
We can accept clients onto our programme after a discussion with our case work team. Additionally we can offer detailed and impartial assessments where required.

Is “addiction” an illness?
We think so and so does the WHO – The World Health Organisation – though we do know that some people disagree with this notion.

Can an addiction be treated?
Yes – and we obtain very high success outcomes. We do not know of any “cures” to addiction. However people with addictions can live normal lives as recovering addicts. We only seek to remain sober and clean “a day at a time” – days turn into weeks and months into years.

Does your treatment work?
Yes this programme has helped many people. We would not be doing it if we did not think it worked. Many people have found sobriety and clean time through this programme. If the client is motivated to find a solution to addictions then we can in most cases offer support to assist in this process.

Is Addictions UK affiliated to any other organisation?
Addictions UK are a Social Enterprise Company which is managed and run by recovering addicts and people with experience of addiction. As an organisation we have no political or religious affiliation. The programme is open to anyone with an addiction problem who is committed to his or her own recovery. We have no strategic links with any other organisation.

Can computers be used in the delivery of this programme?
Yes. We will tutor you if you want to use your home or office computer. The use of computers is entirely optional.

Has Addictions UK any approved policies?
Yes. We have approved policy statements in the following:

  • Code of Ethics
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Complaints Policy
  • Confidentiality Policy
  • Staff and Management Policies
  • Health and Safety Policies
  • Data Protection Policies
  • Volunteers Policies
  • Training Protocols and Policies
  • Staff Support Policies
  • Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult Policies

We are constantly striving to improve our quality standards – if you have any questions or suggestions please contact us and will be pleased to receive your comments.

Do you support Carers, friends and family members?
Yes! We offer a free Carers Helpline and support carers in dealing with this family illness.

Are you accredited by any Insurance companies?
Yes. Please contact us for details. We welcome referrals from Employee Assistance programmes. We are also seeking accreditation from the European Association of Treatment Agencies.

Do you provide services to HR professionals for their staff with addiction problems?
Yes. We are experienced in working with HR Professionals within the field of Occupational Health and receive referrals from them.

Can I gain employment with Addictions UK?
We are always keen to work with recovering addicts and alcoholics with good sobriety. If you have this experience and some training in a related subject such as counselling please send us your curriculum vitae.

Do you offer and affiliate scheme to ethical companies / individuals to help market your services?
We are always keen to work in partnership with like minded groups and individuals nationally and internationally with similar ethical values.

Do you have additional information I can inspect?
Yes – Our Web Pages details all of our services and policies. Our Blog also covers a wide range of additional information. We carry out a wide range of training and consulting services, we work with Employers on addictions support etc – details of which can be found on our website (see See www.addictionfocus – another blog site linked to Addictions UK.

Do you offer any other specialist treatment services?
Yes we offer a specialist Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) service with specialist staff members engaged. We also support work in India and people from South Asia living in the UK.

Clients living in India should see We also provide specialist customised services on request as we are passionate about the development of client led services here in the UK. Please ask us if we can provide what you need either by telephone or through our website.

How can I contact you?
By phone (0800 140 4044) by e-mail – by fax: +44 (0) 191 410 9002, by sending us a message online and social media; Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook.

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