Is a Medical Detox always provided to a heavy drinker?

A Medical Detox should only be used as part of a longer term treatment programme. If the client has no intention to co-operate with treatment sometimes it is better to refuse the detox.

Addictions UK always conducts an in depth assessment when asked to arrange a medical detox. We will not provide detox treatment alone – we insist that the client embarks on some kind of treatment programme of their choice – if this is refused then we often decline to refer the client on to our medical practitioners. Medical Detox MUST be accompanied by some kind of established treatment method if it is to work effectively.

Home alcohol detox programmes are highly beneficial for those who require a detox programme for alcohol or drug related issues, but are unable to enter a residential treatment programme. There are many reasons why for some people, residential treatment is not suitable for them. The advantage of a home alcohol detox programme is that you need not have to leave your home to enter a stay at a rehab clinic, allowing you to get the immediate treatment you need without having to step a foot out of your door.

Some people are unable to get the time off work or have family commitments which means they are unable to enter a residential programme. The benefit of an home alcohol detox programme is that you can stay in the familiar surroundings of your home and can get treatment without having to let family or work colleagues know your circumstances. A home alcohol detox plan will always be carried out discreetly and safely.

After an initial assessment conducted by Addictions UK staff to see if you are suitable to a home alcohol detox programme and are successful, you will be prescribed medication that will help you to detox from alcohol safely and comfortably. Your home alcohol detox plan will be supervised by our expert team of medical staff. We highly recommend that you never attempt to detox from alcohol on your own without medical supervision. The withdrawal symptoms for some people can be very unpleasant and in some cases, even fatal. Some of the side effects can include vomiting, hallucinations, shakes and fits. We have known several cases where self detoxing has lead to death.

A home alcohol detox programme usually takes 7 to 14 days dependent on the severity of your drink problem. You will be prescribed medication according to your own specific needs. Every single one of our home alcohol detox plans are designed to your own individual needs. As no two people are the same, our medical staff will assess your requirements and tailor make a plan designed around yourself.

Another great advantage of entering a home alcohol detox programme is the price. It can be very expensive to get the help you need by undergoing a private residential treatment programme. A home alcohol detox is a way of receiving private treatment but at an affordable price! Unfortunately the NHS route can prove to be a long and lengthy process. With a private home alcohol detox programme, you are able to get immediate help straight away without being placed on any long waiting lists or having to be referred by your GP or local alcohol and drugs teams.

if you are interested in finding more information on Home or Residential Detoxes contact Addictions UK or telephone 0800 140 4044.

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