PM Supports Treatment

Prime Minister condemns previous Drugs Policies in Parliament – 29 June 2011

Prime Minister David Cameron made this statement in Parliament on 29th June (Hansard 954):

“Drugs policy has been a failure over recent years… We have spent too much time on heroin replacement and methadone rather than on trying to get people clean and clear up all the things in their lives that perhaps cause them to take drugs in the first place.”

Addictions UK hopes that the NTA (National Treatment Agency) are listening to Mr Cameron and that Public Health England and Commissioners throughout the UK will start investing in more Abstinence based models of treatment.

Addictions UK provides Home-based Addictions Treatment including medical Detox throughout England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. For further information fill in our contact form or telephone 0800 140 4044

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