Social Enterprise Model for Health Providers

Addictions UK believes that using a Social Enterprise Management Model is the most efficient and dynamic option available for Health Providers.

Hospitals and other Health Providers should be encouraged to use Social Enterprise Management and Strategic methods – it makes such good sense!

Representatives from Addictions UK and Addictions India visited the Aravind Eye Hospital in Pondicherry which forms part of the largest Social Enterprise in the World. This Hospital Group performs just over half the world’s cataract operations – an amazing statistic!.

We were humbled by the efficiency of this Hospital – and their management model – A Social Enterprise. It seemed to work so well. The Aravind Managed Hospitals can be found all over India and they have established divisions to make, for example, their own lenses, sharps, bandages and to offer consultancy all over South Asia.

Addictions India are planning to bring visitors from the UK on learning Journeys to visit this Social Enterprise and to conduct learning Journeys that can allow participants to examine different aspects of spirituality and social enterprise in Southern India. Further information from – telephone (UK) 0845 4567 030.

Some Social Enterprise activists in the UK are worried that the Government are trying to “water down” the meaning of Social Enterprise by encouragement the expansion of this sector within the Community of Health Providers. Addictions UK believe that we have nothing to worry about – the Social Enterprise model lends itself to full participation of the health service work force and the excluded groups within the wider community.

Addictions UK are members of Social Firms UK and receive a great deal of support from that organisation. For further information contact or contact us via our Website .com or telephone us on 0800 140 4044.

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