Treatment is evolving – what was once innovative is now widely available

Home Treatment is now adding choice to Addiction Treatment – It is available now and is affordable, effective and confidential.

There is a wide range of treatment methods available. Most treatment is expensive – but Addictions UK offers the least expensive and one of the most effective treatment methods available in Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. We are literally able to commence treatment very quickly and without waiting lists. If you need a Home Detox we can arrange a wide range of options to you. We listen to your needs and what every your circumstances we will offer you the best advice. Increasing numbers of people are successfully using our services and our treatment staff are being kept very busy.

Our treatment believes in the client having a say about the method of recovery – we are totally flexible – we can work 24 / 7 or at a reduced level if required. Comprehensive Relapse Prevention Schemes can be offered weekly from as little as £30.00 per week. The Addictions UK 24 / 7 Home based Addictions Treatment service can be arranged for £150.00 per week. This includes 6 sessions per week for the core treatment service, and two seperate 24 / 7 Helplines for clients and their carers plus a range of other free add ons. For further information please telephone 0800 140 4044.

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