Alcoholics is a progressive ‘disease’ and the individual faces increasing problems in all areas of his or her life – health, relationships, self-esteem, career, education and reputation.
Inevitably, he or she will face an unprecedented crisis and realise that they have to seek professional support for getting out of the deadly cycle of addiction.
There are two main options – residential treatment or home-based detox and support.
Of course, in the UK, harm reduction is also an option, but it is precisely that – reduction. It does not entirely solve the problem. Abstinence eliminates the problem; harm reduction can continue to cause problems.
We offer abstinence-based recovery, which gives a new lease of life, opening new vistas of opportunities, growth and success.
People would always prefer detox and continued care at home, instead of admission into a rehab.
Of course, some would do better to go into rehab, depending on the severity and complexity of the addiction.
There are several advantages of home-based addiction treatment
Denial is a common symptom of addiction. Denial tells the addict that he or she doesn’t have such a significant problem that requires treatment, that he is still in control of his substance use, that he or she is drinking because of some outside issues and that needs to be addressed first.
Denial makes it difficult for the family members to ‘convince’ the addict to seek recovery at a rehab. However, it is easier to initiate the treatment at home, starting with a detox.
In the UK, admissions at a right rehab are not easy to get immediately. When the access is subsequently scheduled, the alcoholic may change his mind, or it may be too late.
We respond promptly, and your treatment can start almost immediately.
The home detox is carried out by trained medical professionals and a certified therapist. After a risk assessment, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medication to reduce the discomfort and risk associated with withdrawal symptoms.
Subsequently, the medications are titrated on the discretion of the medical professional. The therapist is also available 24/7 for any support required during this period.
While a stay in rehab isolates you from your normal activities, home-based addiction treatment allows the individual to carry on most of his or her regular activities.
Staying at home during recovery is far more comforting.
Surrounded by loved ones who care, living in familiar surroundings and not interacting with strangers is a supportive environment during this potentially stressful phase, and is more conducive to recovery. Residential Rehabs can sometimes be extremely stressful.
Rehabs can be very expensive. We offer detox and treatment plans that are far more affordable, not adding financial burden to an already stressful situation.
Paying for enhanced treatment in an expensive residential setting is not always required.
Your treatment is carried out in the privacy of your home with no adverse impact of your medical records on your job or career.
We sign a waiver that ensures your confidentiality. Your permission is sought, in case we have to liaise with your GP for any ongoing medical condition.
We also have a strict policy of not sharing any client’s personal information or statistics in any form with any Government agency or database unless compelled through a Court Order.
Continued care
Addiction is a chronic, highly relapse-prone condition. The individual is highly vulnerable during the initial days of sobriety. It is critical that, he or she gets the support of a professional therapist to minimise chances of relapse.
It is recommended that the recovering person continues therapy for exploring, unlearning, relearning and resolving associated emotional and psychological issues to stay on the path of rewarding recovery.
We offer customised continued care packages with experienced counsellors who are supportive and empathetic.

We have been helping alcoholics since its inception in 2002. Our evidence-based model has proven to be highly effective with a high recovery rate. It is culturally sensitive and gender-specific.
Our model is now extended to India too, where our international partner – Hope Trust – has initiated home-based addiction treatment based on our proven protocols.
Some Unique Benefits of the Addictions UK therapy programs
Though addiction may be the common factor, each individual is different. Each client has unique experiences, belief system and cultural background.
We offer individualised therapy plans that are customised to suit the individual’s specific needs, for optimal success.
You get the same intensive therapy that is provided in most residential programs – using proven psychological techniques for behavioural modification, psychoanalysis for identifying the root cause of addiction, exploring other associated issues such as grief, distorted thinking, PSTD, the impact of broken relationships and emotional dysfunction. 12 Steps medication is also facilitated.
All clients who sign up for our treatment plans get FREE access to our specially developed learning programs on our Training Programme (link)
Start your new life today!
Please contact us to discuss a Home Detox Programme or any of our other services.
Together, we can build a new life for you! Tel: 0800 1404044