Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual – Impartial Addiction Treatment

There is a high prevalence of addictions among the LGB community. A significant number of LGB people we have worked with have expressed the problems of institutionalised sexism and homophobia that they have experienced. Others have felt that their sexuality has played only a small role during their recovery and that no discrimination was perceived.
Addictions UK can help – Contact us now to find out how.
We understand that our society is made up of many and differing cultures and that generalist approaches will not be pertinent to all parts of the community. We are a diverse group of people and understand the sensitivities of sexuality. The need for the individual to address such issues can be critical to the success of his or her own road to recovery. Our programme embraces all issues of gender and sexuality within the programme of professional recovery work.
If this is a question of concern then we will be able to discuss this important issue face to face with you before commencement of the programme.
Our recovery scheme is accessible on a 24 hour basis. The use of the telephone as a delivery method permits the programme to be accessed at a time to suit all clients.

  • Addictions UK staff can deliver a personalised one-to-one ‘recovery programme’ into the home of a person who has problems with alcoholism or addictions.
  • The telephone is used to bridge the gap and for us to be able to communicate with you. Thus there will be no person visiting your home, nor will you have to travel to a treatment centre.
  • This programme is ideal for those individuals who live within close-knit communities who require utmost discretion.
  • The personalised teaching of the recovery/treatment programme will be complemented by the ongoing coaching element of our delivery method.
  • The service is cheaper to access, is available on a 24 hour basis and is guaranteed to be personalised and confidential.

It is the ability of Addictions UK staff members to form close professional relationships with their clients that makes all the difference. Our staff members are all recovering addicts and alcoholics with good long-term sobriety. They know the difficulties of addiction and have worked through the problems whereby they can abstain from addictive chemicals and behaviour on a day-by-day basis. This scheme works and can make a difference to you.
We can receive referrals from practitioners or direct from individual clients. Additionally, we can offer support to your family members and include them in the process of recovery.
Additionally, we can offer support to your family members and include them in the process of recovery. If you are committed to your own recovery and can make this treatment programme a priority then you may wish to contact us.
The success record of this programme is dependent on your desire for recovery.
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