Take the Road to Recovery Right Now

Please talk to us about the kind of treatment programme you need.

Are you drinking too much?

The easy 4-question “CAGE Test” may help you decide if you need help with alcohol addiction.

The more detailed Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) will help you assess your use of alcohol and whether you should look at making changes.

The Drug Abuse Screening Test offers a simple but accurate way of assessing your risk from the use of drugs. It is a useful diagnostic tool for psychoactive drug dependence.

You will have lots of questions about what addiction is and how Addictions UK can help you. You’ll find most of the answers on our FAQ page. For any other information please phone or contact us online.

Our Services and Prices page  will tell you more about about what we can do for you and how much it might cost.

▶ Call us now on 0300 330 30 40 to talk over your Addiction Recovery needs then read our agreement and fill in the form right away.

Video: Am I an Addict?

Question 1: Do you believe that you have an addiction?
Question 2: Has your life become unmanageable?
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