Category: Videos

Opiate and Cocaine Addiction interview BBC

The North East leads national league tables, for opiate and cocaine addiction. Listen to Simon Stephens, Addictions UK director of casework discuss the complex issues surrounding addiction and treatment.

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Cannabis Legislation Debate

Simon Stevens, Addictions UK’s Director of Casework was invited to debate the issues surrounding the legalisation of cannabis use on BBC Radio Newcastle today.

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Why Does Recovery Take so Long?

Addictive behaviour is developed over years sometimes decades. Changing habits and ways of thinking doesn’t happen overnight. Addiction recovery is a long-term process but the benefits begin almost immediately. Please…

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Who Helps the Families of Addicts?

Addiction is a family disease. An addict’s family faces more difficulties… and challenges… than most people can imagine. That’s why AddictionsUK provides counselling and coaching for the families of its…

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What is the Success Rate for Addictions UK?

Addictions UK is proud to have a higher success rate than many other addiction treatment programmes. Hello, I’m Simon Stevens and Director of case work for AddictionsUK. We’re often asked,…

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What Does It Take For Addicts To Change?

Simon Stephens, Director of Case Work at, speaks to Radio Newcastle about what it takes for an addict to choose to enter recovery. Transcript Presenter “BBC Newcastle radio for…

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The Power of Denial

Denial is not just denying you have a problem. Denial is also believing you can find your own way to sobriety. It’s doing the same thing over and over and…

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Residential Addiction Recovery

In some cases a period of residential treatment can speed the recovery process. AddictionsUK can help you locate a residential placement to suit your budget. Read more about our Recovery…

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Pornography Addiction

A growing number of men and women are worried that their pornography habit has developed into an addiction. But shame and embarrassment prevents most from seeking help. The counsellors at…

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Painkiller Addiction in the North-East

Simon Stephens, Director of Case Work at AddictionsUK, talks to Radio Newcastle on the subject of painkiller addiction. Transcript Presenter “Now the, the discussion about painkillers is because it’s claimed…

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Is Computer Addiction Real?

Computer addiction symptoms are similar to other established behaviour addictions. If you’re concerned try going 48 hours without it. Then discuss your experience with an experienced addiction counsellor. Read more…

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Is Addiction a Disease?

Is addiction a disease? Professional opinions vary, but most agree addiction is a physical and mental illness and NOT merely a lack of will power. Like any chronic illness, the…

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I Can’t Do Rehab

If an addict has a family and other responsibilities to care for sometimes they’re not in a position to stay in a residential rehab facility. AddictionsUK provide a home-based treatment…

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How do you know if you’re an addict?

Hello, my name is Simon Stephens and I’m Director of case work for AddictionsUK. How do you know if you’re an addict? Ask yourself these two questions; Am I powerless…

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Helping the Families of Addicts

How does Addictions UK help the family members of recovering addicts? Hello, my name is Simon Stephens, I’m Director of case work for AddictionsUK. The illness of addiction can cause…

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