(This week’s slogan) Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Falling Off The Wagon
Radio 4’s ‘Shared Experience’ series discusses how addiction affects lives. Simon Stephens, Director of Casework at Addictions UK, joined a discussion on Radio 4 this week about the experience of…
It is a Journey – not a Destination
This week’s slogan) Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Full of Possibilities
Thought: Your limits are always a little beyond what you think they are. Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one of…
Think! Think! Think!
(This week’s slogan) Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Justice and Mercy
Thought: Those who demand justice for themselves will always be condemned. Forgiveness and mercy offer the only hope. Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article…
Let Go Let God
(This week’s slogan) Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Inner Strength
Thought: Don’t reach out for peace and contentment. Reach in. Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one of them. Follow us…
There but for the Grace of God …
(This week’s slogan) Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
A Better Future
Thought: I don’t much care for what I am but I am excited about what I could become. Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article…
You will be amazed
(This week’s slogan) Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Just Keep Going
Thought: ‘If you know you are travelling the right road you don’t need to know where it leads.’ Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article…
It works – It really does!
(This week’s slogan) Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Celebrate Your Achivements
Thought: ‘If all that matters to you is being best you’ll never enjoy doing well.’ Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on…
Keep an Open Mind
(This week’s slogan) Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Prepare for the Worst
Thought: ‘Into each life a little rain must fall – so look after your guttering!’ Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on…
If it works Don’t fix it
(This week’s slogan) Addictions UK Contact us now on line or telephone 0300 330 30 40. You are just a phone call away from addiction recovery.
Go For It
Thought: ‘If it might just work why not see if it does?’ Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one of them….
Addiction – What is After Care?
Addiction recovery is a way of life. Coping with new challenges is easier when you have someone to talk to. AddictionsUK provides free aftercare for clients and their families.
Stick with the winners – but listen to the strugglers.
(This week’s slogan) We can take encouragement from the example of those who are succeeding. But we need to learn from the failures of others and to support them in…
To Err is Human
Thought: People make mistakes – that’s why pencils come with erasers on the end. Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one…
I can’t – He can – I think I will let him
(This week’s slogan) I want to be in control and delegation can be a real challenge. Hardest of all is acknowledging that someone else may have better ideas about my…
Little by Little
Thought: Better to succeed at conquering just one defect at a time than to fail to correct everything at once. Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day….
Live and Let Live
(This week’s slogan) It’s easy to condemn others, especially when it diverts attention from our own failings. But if what they do is not illegal or universally acknowledged to be…
Growing by Sharing
Thought: A problem shared is two problems halved Addictions UK uses Twitter to share inspirational Thoughts every day. This article is based on one of them. Follow us at @addictionsuk….