
12 Steps to Spiritual Awakening?

Addictions UK Sponsored Conference 12 Steps to Spiritual Awakening? Tuesday May 21st 2013 Durham St Antony’s Priory, working in partnership with Addictions UK and Addictions North East, are hosting aconference…

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Reduced Alcohol Use

Reduced alcohol use in UK revealed but Demand for Addictions Treatment remains high The number of people saying they drank heavily fell between 2007 and 2011 according to figures reported…

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Born Dependent on Drugs

Tory MP reveals 5,500 Babies have been born hooked on drugs Conservative M.P. for Enfield North, Nick de Bois, has revealed statistics from the Department of health that have shown:…

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To sleep or not to sleep?

Simon Stephens, Director of Casework, discusses the links between Insomnia and Addiction I was asked today to take part in a Radio Newcastle discussion on the use and misuse of…

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Binge Drinking Injuries

50% of Respondents injured through drinking A poll conducted by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists has found half of the young adults surveyed had been injured during a night out…

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Club Drugs – the new challenge

A report produced by the National Treatment for Substance misuse (NTA) showed that although overall drug use has declined there has been an increase in people requiring treatment for club…

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War on Drugs Fails

Richard Branson calls for decriminalisation of drugs Speaking at the première of his son’s film “Breaking the Taboo”, Richard Branson stated that the global 40 year war against narcotics gangs…

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Strong Alcohol Ban

Thames Valley Police ponder strong alcohol ban. Can prohibition work? A scheme to limit the sale of super strength lagers could be coming to town centres in the Thames Valley….

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Minimum Pricing for Alcohol

Proposed Minimum Unit Pricing on Alcohol – A Life Saving Measure or Nanny State? Balance North East is campaigning to make the minimum unit of alcohol price 50 pence per…

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Shocking Increase in Deaths

Deaths from Liver Disease up by One Fifth in England Deaths caused by Liver Disease have increased by twenty per cent in England during the last decade whilst in the…

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Home-based Treatment in Ireland

We can help you with Home-based Addictions Treatment, including Home Detox. Contrary to various comments in the Irish Social Media, it has been possible to access Home based Addictions Treatment…

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Death Rates In Ireland

Increased Alcohol Consumption is the “Direct Cause” of a doubling of death rates in Ireland. Professor Murray, Chairman of the Alcohol Policy Group at the Royal College of Physicians in…

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Recovery must come first

Getting our priorities right … Addiction Recovery and Treatment can definitely work.  There is no doubt that if a person with alcohol or drug dependency issues has had enough of…

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Alcoholism and Food Allergies

Can the ingredients in drinks be the cause of some cravings? Addictions UK has received an article about food allergies and the alcoholic. The ideas it puts forward about the…

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Older People and Alcohol

£2 Billion spent on hospital admissions in England alone Alcohol related illness rates among older people are ten times higher than among 16-24 year olds. More NHS money is spent…

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Phone Therapy

Addictions Treatment works over the telephone just as well as meeting up Phoning a Friend or Counsellor or Therapist is just as good as Face-to-Face meetings, according to Cambridge University…

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BACP Ethical Guidelines

Congratulations to the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy The BACP has just announced an addition to the Ethical Guidelines which govern Addictions UK and many similar originations. The Statement…

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Treatment in the Workplace

Affordable Addiction Treatment Options We recently arranged a full alcohol detox and addictions treatment for a Middle Manager who asked his employer for help.  His employer has agreed to sponsor…

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Cellphone/mobile Website

See Addictions UK on your mobile phone. More people are using their mobile phones and SMART devices to surf the Internet. A suitably accessible summary of our website is available…

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Addictions UK has received a request from LawCare for help with their survey about Stress at Work. We Need Your Help For fifteen years LawCare has been helping members of…

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Pets can help Addictions Recovery

Pets can be therapeutic and you don’t need to leave them behind when you start treatment. We love our dogs and cats. A significant number of people needing to deal…

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We need more help

Addictions Agencies set for expansion – seeking Partners and Staff Both Addictions UK and Addictions North East are busier than ever.  We are seeking applications from Addictions Specialists, including Counsellors…

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Shocking Addiction Death Rates

Alcohol is third leading cause of death in men aged 15 to 59 An article written by John F Kelly and Julie Yeterian in this month’s “Addiction Today” highlights some…

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Free Counselling in the North East

Free Counselling & Addictions Treatment Do you need help and live in County Durham? We attach to this blog details of a new scheme we are supporting in parts of…

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Alcoholic Neuropathy

Addictions UK is seeking someone with experience of Alcoholic Neuropathy Can you help another person with Alcoholic Neuropathy? We are looking for a person in the UK who is In…

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