Getting the right Alcohol Treatment diagnosis Ok, you decided that drink is a problem so you look for help. Here is the rub; every one you talk to has a…
Author: Addictions UK
Cannabis and Driving
Does Cannabis use affect driving? – Is it Dangerous? Simon writes: Let me begin by saying I have no interest in the legalisation/criminalisation debate. Whatever the legal basis, people will…
The Drinking Classes
Professional classes are now the most frequent drinkers in the country – the BBC and Lancet focus on alcohol and addiction problems. BBC Panorama is broadcasting a report hosted and…
Referral Agents – Beware!
Our Policy on Referral Agents in the UK Beware when choosing your own Addictions Treatment from Referral Agents. Addictions UK is pleased to receive referrals for our Home-based Addictions Treatment…
New Brain Research Helps Explain Drug Addiction
Fascinating Video about the role of dopamine in creating cravings to which we cannot say ‘no’. We found a fascinating Video by Dr. Nora Volkow which explains the role dopamine…
Shoplifting hits the News … again …
Shoplifting – a Hidden Addiction: heavy news coverage after a celebrity convicted of shoplifting offence in the UK. Addictions UK receives many calls from desperate people asking us for help…
BBC Finds More Alcohol Problems
The BBC has uncovered a huge increase in elderly people who have alcohol dependency problems and who need to access treatment. The BBC Inside Story has featured evidence of a…
Alcohol and Sexual Health
BBC News article discusses the need to alert young people to the affects of excessive drinking on the decisions they make. AUK takes no moral stance on drinking alcohol. For…
‘One-off Detox’ Pointless says Liver Charity
The British Liver Trust attacks ‘one off’ Detoxes after Christmas Festivities Addictions UK agrees with the British Liver Trust that arranging one-off Detox Treatment is pointless if it is not…
The Dangers of Drinking Too Much
Rail passenger falls under a train whilst very drunk. The British Transport Police have released Video footage of a person, heavily intoxicated by alcohol, who fell under a train. Fortunately,…
Help for Addicts
Addictions UK publishes information about the services offered and how much they cost. “It’s the most wonderful time of the year”, according to Andy Williams. But for all the comforts…
Are you an Alcoholic?
The 4 question CAGE Test is a quick guide to whether your drinking has become a problem. The amount you are drinking falls somewhere on a very wide spectrum which…
Addiction Risks in the Holidays
Do the Christmas and New Year Holidays present the most risk for relapse? Christmas and New Year present a great risk of relapse for people in recovery from addiction. Christmas…
Facing Up To Addictions Recovery
Recovery at Home from Alcohol, Drug and other Addictions can work when Residential Rehab seems impossible. Finally accepting that you have an addiction is probably the best thing you can…
Prescription Drug Addiction
Are you addicted to Prescription Drugs? – See our short Video Over a million people alone in the United Kingdom have a problem with addiction to drugs. The Medical profession…
Saving Vital Rehabs
The Concordat Watchdog to expose poor commissioning. * We are grateful to Addiction Today for kind permission to reproduce this article. * WATCHDOG LAUNCHES TO SAVE VITAL REHABS REHABS PREPARE TO…
Concordat Launches New Website
Share the news and make your views known about The Concordat of Recovery Agencies new website. The Concordat of Recovery Agencies has launched its website This will be improved over…
Updates on your Facebook Page
Get an alert on your Facebook page every time we publish a new article in our Blog. Please note that this new feature is currently under development. We will publish…
BACP Accreditation
Our Head of Casework gains accreditation from the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy Addictions Treatment staff members at Addictions UK Home-based Addictions Treatment are all qualified counsellors having gained…
Rehab Conference
Successful Training Conference in West Midlands For the first time in the UK, Dr. Cardwell C. Nuckols , MA, Ph.D. has addressed a 3 day conference speaking on a wide…
Elderly Addicts
More evidence on “invisible addicts” – The Elderly. The First Report of the Older Persons’ Substance Misuse Working Group of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Report CR165 was published in…
Concordat Graduates Launch their own Website
Addictions UK welcomes the launch of the Concordat Graduates website. The Concordat Graduates are a group of people in recovery that have benefitted from various rehab projects both here in…
Concordat Graduates Move Into Action
Former service users from UK rehab projects launch their own Social Networking website. A group of former service users from rehab projects around the United Kingdom have formed themselves into…
Dying for a Drink – BBC Panorama
BBC Panorama focuses on those “Dying for a Drink” A recent BBC 1 documentary showed the problems of alcohol consumption in the UK, the health problems caused and the cost…
Addiction is not a question of morality
Many people who seek treatment services for drug and alcohol addiction believe that their conduct is partly a matter of self-blame. Lack of self-control is perceived as being the main…