Category: Types of Addiction

Older People and Alcohol

£2 Billion spent on hospital admissions in England alone Alcohol related illness rates among older people are ten times higher than among 16-24 year olds. More NHS money is spent…

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Alcoholic Neuropathy

Addictions UK is seeking someone with experience of Alcoholic Neuropathy Can you help another person with Alcoholic Neuropathy? We are looking for a person in the UK who is In…

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Addiction Detox at Home

Simon Stephens writes about safe Alcohol and Drug Detox Medical Detox is a term used when ceasing to take drugs or alcohol which forms our physical addiction. In most cases…

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Alcohol Treatment Diagnosis

Getting the right Alcohol Treatment diagnosis Ok, you decided that drink is a problem so you look for help. Here is the rub; every one you talk to has a…

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BBC Finds More Alcohol Problems

The BBC has uncovered a huge increase in elderly people who have alcohol dependency problems and who need to access treatment. The BBC Inside Story has featured evidence of a…

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Alcohol and Sexual Health

BBC News article discusses the need to alert young people to the affects of excessive drinking on the decisions they make. AUK takes no moral stance on drinking alcohol. For…

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Are you an Alcoholic?

The 4 question CAGE Test is a quick guide to whether your drinking has become a problem. The amount you are drinking falls somewhere on a very wide spectrum which…

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Prescription Drug Addiction

Are you addicted to Prescription Drugs? – See our short Video Over a million people alone in the United Kingdom have a problem with addiction to drugs. The Medical profession…

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Dying for a Drink – BBC Panorama

BBC Panorama focuses on those “Dying for a Drink” A recent BBC 1 documentary showed the problems of alcohol consumption in the UK, the health problems caused and the cost…

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Alcohol Pricing

An article in the Guardian discusses Minimum Pricing for Alcohol in Scotland Proposals to introduce minimum pricing for alcohol in Scotland have received much publicity and are the subject of…

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Warning on more deaths caused by Alcohol

Sir Richard Thompson, President of the Royal College of Physicians, commenting on the study released today in The Lancet on projection of alcohol deaths in the UK, said:”How many more…

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Our New Detox Website launched Addictions UK have launched our new website advertising the Addictions UK Home Detox UK Service. A separate webpage now describes the work of how we carry out Home Detox…

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Home Alcohol Detox Service

Detox services – Just a phone call away Do you need a home based Detox?  Are you getting nowhere with your Public Sector provider?  Can’t you afford Residential Treatment?  Please…

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UK Detox Service commences today

Detox Anonymous – A Community Detox Service is here Today our new Detox service is launched and we have been busy dealing with the several people who formed our waiting…

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