
AUK Fees

Home-based services and prices Home Treatment Programme – from £30.00 ~ £150.00 per week. Before you begin treatment, we will discuss with you the likely time required to set you…

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Social Workers where are you?

Addictions UK needs to improve our communications with Social Workers specialising in Addictions within the United Kingdom. Calling all Social Workers – Addictions UK can help some of your clients…

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The All Party Parliamentary Group

Government listens to us in The Houses of Commons Addictions UK were represented at a meeting of the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) on the 2 February 2010. The meeting…

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Submit your blogs on this site?

RSS Blogging Partnerships Addictions UK have established facilities for other Addiction bloggers … If any approved organisations would like to submit their blogs for publication to us we will set…

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Denial is a killer

DENIAL = Dont Even Notice I Am Lying! The first symptom of addiction is denial. DENIAL is often Thought as “Don’t Even Notice I am Lying” Every day this organisation…

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Social Enterprise Model for Health Providers

Addictions UK believes that using a Social Enterprise Management Model is the most efficient and dynamic option available for Health Providers. Hospitals and other Health Providers should be encouraged to…

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Happy New Year to you

The Directors, Staff, Volunteers and everyone connected with Addictions UK’s Home based Addiction Treatment Services offers our clients, former clients, friends and colleagues a Happy and Healthy New Year (2011)….

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Social Networking is now getting more important in the age of new technology. You can now contact us on Twitter. Do you Twitter?  Do you know what a Tweet is…

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The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer – (God) Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference….

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